RNN:Culture Office back in action

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Culture Office back in action

published on Year 18 Day 338

Seth Wrenstar – RNN Headquarters, REPUBLICA

The galaxy is about to get a whole lot brighter. While the Culture Office has recently announced the retirement of Gryffyn Grayurra and his departure from the Administrator Office, a renewed sense of rebirth accompanied his departure with the current members’ commitment to keeping the Culture Office fresh and accessible to all members of the New Republic while honoring Grayurra’s legacy.

For those unaware, the Culture Office is the department within the Ministry of State tasked with the purpose of ensuring the preservation of the rich and varied history and culture of the New Republic for the posterity of future generations. It is a task met with great humility as the New Republic is one of the most diverse governments in existence, its members representing hundreds of different races spread out across the galaxy.

The beginning of the rebirth was marked with the Ministry of State’s appointment of three new members fulfilling the roles of management for the Culture Office: {{ProfileLink|Ghulka Ikto]], Ubisa Vrand and Gile Landala, each one bringing a familiar face to the office and a commitment to the continued excellence of the department.

RNN Culture Ghullka.png

Ghullka Ikto had this to say when asked for comment on the future of the department:

The Culture Office is very active and we are trying to bring it back into view. It seems to have faded to the background. When I joined the NR I had no clue we even had one. With the combined effort of the newly assembled team and the working closely with the other departments of the ministry of state we are confident that we can get it up and running.

Everyone is doing a phenomenal job so far and I'm looking forward to make our ideas reality. We are not trying to revive one part of the culture department but we are getting everything up and running simultaneously to send out the right signal.

The Culture Office to me is one of the New Republic's keystones. All of the board leaders agree that we need to bring it back as soon as possible, but we want to do it right. This means we need some time but don't be alarmed this doesn't mean we are stalling. We have a lot of new and fresh ideas but we are also diving into the archives and the New Republic's leadership is very supportive in our endeavors.

Everyone can expect a lot more to see from us as we will try to be as transparent and visible as possible. You can be sure to see us soon in action."

See also