State of the Republic - Year 16 Day 352

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(This address was held on Day 352 in Year 16 by Endaro Kassan )

Endaro Kassan
Endaro Kassan

Gentlebeings of the New Republic,

welcome to Sate of the Republic of October/November, which will be the last SotR for the current Chief of State term. The new term will begin in less than a month, so you, the NRs members will in the next weeks not only have the opportunity to decide who will fill in the vacant Senate seats, but also who will be the CoS for the next year.

But before we care about our future, here’s what our recent past brought to us:

PSA/PSC: Sen`Similla Services has recently been confirmed as one of our Private Sector Corporation. I formerly like to welcome all it’s members and wish them all the best for their future business affairs.

Foreign Relations: The NR successfully finished a month long mediation between TIEFE (formerly Bothan Media Service) and the Mindabaal League, which settled a major dispute between the two factions and will bring more stability to Galaxy.

AC: With the return of Guenther Netzer to active duty he also returned to his position on the AC.

MoS: The distribution of Personal Defence Sets is still ongoing and The culture team has been working on the homeworld housing project. One city has already been completed on Tattooine and the first residents were able to move in.
In the coming months policies and rules will be worked out to allow residentship for people from outside the NR. There are also plans for events to advertise the project.
The NR will participate at the Krath Expo and is currently moving item stocks over to the Expo site

MoTI: Due to the efforts of all involved NATs, PSCs and allies the System Defence Group project is finally nearing it’s end.
Various NATs have made a major improvement regarding Facility Income in the last month by building up their home systems.

MoCE Final efforts to finish our planetary shielding project, enlarging our satellite network and improving various planet stats have been undertaken by the military.
The Governor system will undergo minor changes in the future to allow a better overview of governed systems.

NRI: General audits of the NR’s national factions have been started and will take place step by step in the next months.
All Senate discussions from past Sessions have been screened and are now ready to be released in the public archives.
The memberlist of the NR has been purged to remove long-time inactive members. This will allow a better overview and usability of the memberlist.
The construction of prison cities has been started. Those cities will be actively used in the future.
Inactives, Lost Souls (dropped character) and enemies NPCs are being gathered to free passenger space on our vessels.

RDC: A GA wide trade ban list has been created during the last months to unify the individual lists of all alliance members.
Project Contact is still undergoing to find new strategic partnerships in the galaxy.

Military: Together with our reservists NR military forces are training military tactics at Serroco. The testing once finished will provide new and additional protocols of battlefield tactics in addition to minor changes to gear selection.
The SFC is training pilot NPCs of which several already have reached their maximum level
The Navy has doubled its capital ship fleet size and is working on the fortification of its home system.
Additional to the activities at Serroco the Army is training Republic Medics for support in the field.