Civilian Departments:Nationalized Corporations

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The Rebel Alliance Nationalised Corporations are highly specialized enterprises affiliated to the government of the Rebel Alliance. Each of them is one of the leading corporations in their sector and all can look back on a long and rich history. While operating as independent corporations they are under full control of the Rebel Alliance and support the government in all of its needs.

Corellian Transport Services
Corellian Transport Services
Sector: Logistics
Specialization: Universal
Leader: Robert Derr
Holosite Wiki
Incom Corporation
Incom Corporation
Sector: Production
Specialization: Ships
Leader: Caisava Chelski
Industrial Automaton
Industrial Automaton
Sector: Production
Specialization: Droids
Leader: Coren Rinou
JUGANOTH Mining Corporation
JUGANOTH Mining Corporation
Sector: Mining
Specialization: Universal
Leader: Owyn Darklighter
MoNR Wiki JMC wiki

Republic Medical
Republic Medical
Sector: Medical
Specialization: Universal
Leader: Vacant