State of the Republic - Year 17 day 71

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(This address was held on Day 220 in Year 16 by Endaro Kassan )

Endaro Kassan
Endaro Kassan

Greetings citizens of the New Republic, welcome to the State of the Republic on Day 71 of Year 17.

Forum: As you may have noticed the rebuilding of our forums and the website is still ongoing, but steadily progressing. Jasper Merlyn had the nice idea to reward the people majorly contributing to this process: Adam Hughes, Tengri Lethas, Eleonore Silvermoon, Eli Descartes and Orion Chran. So inspired by the mythical creature reborn from it’s own ashes I proudly award those five people the Phoenix Medal (artwork done by Onasha Katr).

Award Phoenix Medal.png

Different to the normal awarding of our awards, Jasper spent his personal CPs to spawn custom item medals and an ETA-5 for every recipient to store them in.

The old forum is still down due to a lack of free time by the administrator, Dan Russ. The database and files are still on the server and not lost, it is however unknown when we will get access to the data back.

NRI: With the resignation of Director Chelski Deputy Director Adam Hughes has taken over the duties and is hereby officially appointed as Director of the New Republic Intelligence. General Chelski returned to full Army duties and special Military projects.

Military: Operation Secondstrike was a joint Operation consisting of New Republic Military Officers, Reservists, and volunteer Civilian forces. Led by Operational Commanding Officer General Jin Solas, Operation Secondstrike began in August, when the New Republic Military deployed personnel and equipment to the beleaguered planet of Serroco which was in the grip of political and economical strife as well as a biological contagion. The New Republic's mission was to provide relief efforts to the local government as well as help maintain order and to provide humanitarian aid to the local population.

Initial deployment to Serroco was carried out smoothly and efficiently. New Republic Military Forces arrived and quickly set up a series of security jump points and RvP's in both the solar system and on the planet. Despite initial harassment from Tresario Star Kingdom forces, in which intimidation was used to try and prevent us from landing on the planet, our ground RvP was firmly established and our forces began to run combat patrols and drills. During this time, TSK was unwilling to engage our forces on the planet and we suffered no more trouble from them for the duration of our time on Serroco. Our first rotation of Reservist Commandos arrived at this time and we began joint combat patrol missions that proved to be a great success for all those involved. Within a week of this deployment we had secured all four continents of the planet Serroco and our relief efforts began to great benefit of the local civilian population.

During our time on Serroco, New Republic forces met minimal enemy resistance. New and veteran officers alike were able to keep local bandits and raiders at bay, preventing them from spreading anarchy and taking advantage of the weakness in Serroco's government. GA forces and others were also on the ground. Both Krath Dynasty and Mandalore have joined the New Republic Operation on Serocco and working quickly and decisviely have managed to secure the capital city and prevent any further enemies infiltrating the city and installing a puppet government of their own choosing. New Republic forces engaged in a few light skirmishes with the warrior known as Armus Zod, but his forces were quickly pacified through coordinated efforts between Military and Reservist actions. Around this time scouts reported sightings of Galactic Empire reconnaissance ships in both atmosphere and orbit of the planet. However, they retreated shortly thereafter and were not seen again.

Once the major fighting had died down, we were able to conduct various types of combat related testing activities. RepMed personnel had arrived on the planet and conducted some valuable combat medical testing with a few Military officers. We were able to gain valuable data from this that we will be able to be put into effect for future combat operations. Additionally we were able to conduct a few shakedown runs of our attack submarines, the data from which is still being analyzed. Operations continued for several months until we were certain that the Serroco government had recovered enough to stand on their own feet again. In Mid-January it was decided to halt further operations in the sector and shortly later the order to withdraw was given. The Operation was considered a success and our forces departed having received very few casualties during the combat related duties.

Military High Command would like to present the Op secondstrike Ribbon and Military Exercise Award to all those that participated in Operation Secondstrike: Image Military Exercise: Image

Reservists: Eleonore Silvermoon Owyn Darklighter Sevarlis Nolis Loren Zolo

Civilians: Jen Eyan Numenusty Haresym Mortis Eisenfaust

Military Officers: Natoc Ele Rylek Tobz Jac Crule Otsan Kara Webb Lan Artemis Morbus Barrett Duran Robert Derr Torc Tarmin Darcks Galvan Rick Zyrnex Akwowhahc Geyyorral John Callaghan Chacal Goodman John Bourne Mami Ogawa Guenther Netzer Orion Chran Wolfgange Nospe Jin Solas

General Jin Solas was awarded the Superior Service Medal for his leadership to the operation in addition to his battle group.

Award Superior Service Medal.png

Additonally, Loren Zolo, Owyn Darklighter, and John Bourne were previously awarded the Combat Action Ribbon for their actions against the enemy.

Award Combat Action Ribbon ribbon.jpg

Robert Derr and Torc Tarmin were also awarded the Republic Readiness Award for their efforts of prepping the operational assets and aiding in the planning of initial deployment.

Award Republic Readiness Award.png

Senate: The Senate campaigning will begin in 7 days on day 78. So runners prepare your campaigns and voters prepare your questions!

Awards: Last but not least, I personally want to thank the departing AC members Leebri and Eli for their hard work and I’m hereby awarding them both the Rimma Star of Service.

Award Rimma Star of Service.png

Long live the Republic and may the force be with you.