State of the Republic - Year 12 Day 344

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(This address was held on Day 344 in Year 12 by Taka Aioko )

Taka Aioko
Taka Aioko

Taka stands in front of the podium for the press conference and gets ready to start his speech

"Hello fellow citizens,

In the last few months our focus has been laid on planetary security, and for that reason we are pushing to finish our shield grids in all our worlds. This is a massive effort that is being carried out by many different groups within the New Republic. To all of you working on it, keep up the good work guys. Also through negotiations, the New Republic has recently acquired the ownership of almost 200 cities in our territory from multiple parties. This fixes several issues on worlds like those in the Koiogra system, where the potential for a hostile take over was pretty big, and has solved some longstanding problems, like the one on Csilla where we now completely control the planet. Related to this, I'm glad to announce we solved all our territorial disputes with the Old Republic in a peaceful manner, and I think our relations will keep improving.

Regarding the new Galactic Alliance, the GNS has been posted. I know in the past many people in the New Republic have requested for the Treaty to be public and I'm glad this is not a problem anymore, all you have to do guys is check the site. By the way, there's many articles in the site that were never finished, they currently hold the "lorem ipsum" text as an example, if anyone has the time to come up with real texts feel free to forward them to my email. Also the Alliance is looking forward to growing and involving new groups, we are already reviewing new applications and hopefully we'll have news about that in a few weeks. The way that the Alliance will work is going to be different, we'll have people dedicated to the GA in a regular basis, so we'll be recruiting people for each committee. I believe RDC is already recruiting diplomats for this end, and we'll start asking for more people while we define the other committees. If you guys want to contribute to the GA, this is your chance.

Following the diplomatic business, RDC has been working to prepare a Black Forest Day event and I encourage everyone to attend.

With the new galaxy map, our NATs are adapting well to the new territory changes, I think other than memorizing the new names, things are a lot easier with the new set up. Remember we are getting closer to the deadline to move the stations, so please contact your CO if you need anything moved.

In case you didn't notice, we have a new leader in Republic Medical: Sanka Ceveri has taken over leadership and he's already getting acclimated to the new Trax Sector. I'd like to thank Kesh Muntoo for his previous work as leader of RepMed and award him the Long Standing Meritorious Service award.

Outstanding Excellence Award

We continue other development projects, like the tax planet at Denab, and I'll be going there to help with construction in a little while. I'm bringing a bunch of meleenium with me, I hear you guys are using almost as much mel as booze so I'm filling a few bulks with it. Related to this, I'd like to award Dan Neo with the Master Builders Award, he's probably level 35 at this point after doing so much construction.

This past month we saw the resignation of two Senators and the elections to fill the empty seats will end tomorrow, so if you're eligible to vote and haven't done so, yet, please hurry up.

And well as much as I'm planning to run for a second term as CoS, I know this could very well be my last SoTR, so I want to take the opportunity to thank all those who worked to make a better Republic during this term. I think many of you don't get half the recognition you deserve.

I hope I didn't let you down.

And bonus track awards!

Wedge, Izec: Hydian Star of Excellence
You guys always do a bunch of work to keep your respective departments working, I don't know where you get the energy from. Keep up the good work!

Hydian Star of Excellence

Lance, Cheda: Chief of State's Medal
With your hard work you guys have made things a lot easier for me, so I couldn't choose a better award for you. Thanks folks.

Chief of State's Medal

Biffis: Rimma Star of Service
Biffis has gone beyond his duties to solve many problems in the New Republic showing exemplary conduct, well done mate.

Rimma Star of Service

Kristina: Rimma Star of Service
Kris has been working hard for the New Republic for a long time, some time ago with JMC and now she's succeeding with Kerdos. Well done Kris."

Rimma Star of Service