Military:Core Values

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The Ethos of the Rebel Alliance

That spirit which inspires soldiers to fight. It derives from, and depends upon, the high degree of commitment, self-sacrifice and mutual trust which together are so essential to the maintenance of morale.

The Values of the Rebel Alliance Military

Selfless commitment
To put others before yourself
To do what is right no matter the circumstance
To maintain the highest standards, so that others can rely on you
To earn the respect and trust of your comrades
To be faithful to your comrades and your duty
Respect for others
To treat others with decency at all times

Military Covenant

Officers are bound by service. The nature of service is inherently unequal; officers may have to give more than they receive. Ultimately, they may be called upon to make personal sacrifices, including death, in the service of the Republic.

In putting the needs of the Rebellion, the Armed Forces, and others before their own, they forgo some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed Forces. So, at the very least, Republic officers should always expect the Republic and their commanders to treat them fairly, to value and respect them as individuals, and to sustain and reward them and their families.

This mutual obligation forms the Military Covenant and is binding in every circumstance.