GNS Attack of the Terror Consortium

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Breaking News - Attack of the Terror Consortium Hacked by: Jonas Kanuteau, Rebel Alliance Date: Year 23 Day 263 Location Unknown Breaking News - Attack of the Terror Consortium


The known terrorist group, Zann Consortium, in a pitiful attempt of raiding traders in the Kowak System, started to attack the Alliance’s satellites. These satellites were primarily used for helping traders navigate. The local authorities have said that their small fleet is of no concern and that Rebel Alliance’s military has been authorized to engage with the terrorist if necessary. Military experts have confirmed that the terrorist group, known for desperate unprovoked attacks, is attacking for galactic media attention. The Alliance High Command has assured that they pose no threat if common sense is followed and recommended to local traders in small vessels to prevent engaging or flying nearby Zann’s outdated ships. b-wingprop.png

According to the local media report, a small group of ships have been witnessed engaging satellites early on the Day 262 to provoke terror in the population of Kowak’s system. Some ships, stationed at the Systems Defense Group, have been damaged but no sentients have been killed so far. The local media, also managed to interview one of the local farmers that were hauling blue milk to the atmosphere, on which he replied “messa was moving my blue milk cargo, and out of the blue, some muy muy dangerous ships fired on missa, luckily they’ve hit the satellites. Intelligence and Security forces of the Alliance have reiterated the necessity of taking this type of security measures as recommended by the High Command, and advised ceasing any communication with the terrorist-pirate group. According to their liaison officer, they have recommended, “the best way to be safe is to stay away from hostile or active conflict zones. In case of enemy sightings, please, communicate with your organization’s security group”. That’s all for today, in the hostile and hazardous Kowak System.