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(This address was held on Day 97 in Year 14 by Azzi Blackgate )

Azzi Blackgate
Azzi Blackgate

After what can only be described as a tumultuous month, I'm able to stand before you here today with a degree of optimism moving forward. We've suffered loss and those responsible have been captured and incarcerated. We don't presently have custody of them but forces with our interests in this matter do and we'll be proceeding from there. Obviously the demise of Cheda Quche is a huge loss to the NR but he had important plans for the New Republic and I hope you'll all join me in attempting to fulfil his ideas. It's fair to say Cheda's exploits and exemplary conduct have been well documented and recognised with various accolades and awards however rarely has he been held up for the sheer consistency of the good work he did. For this, I posthumously award him the Rimma Star of Service.

Firstly, to two important personnel changes in the military. Lobacca Varss has been a committed member of the Army for years and has served with distinction, advancing through the ranks to become Deputy Chief of the Army. A sure and steady presence, his commitment to the cause of the New Republic has been unwavering. However, recently he has decided to refocus somewhat and as a result has had to review his options. He has chosen to remain in the Army. For his long and distinguished service Marshal Dan Russ and I have decided to award him the Republic Service Medal. His position as Executive Officer of the Army has been assigned to now-Lieutenant General Chi Fo. Those of you outside of the military will be most familiar with General Fo for his exploits in the Senate but it's fair to say the mud, snow and sweaty foxholes are his favoured battleground. Congratulations to General Fo and thank you for your service General Varss.

Lance Nightsky is a name synonymous with the New Republic. For as long as many can remember now he has served with distinction and selflessness through thick and thin with the New Republic. Jumping from military to civilian roles and back, again, it's fair to say that Lance truly thrives in military surroundings. However, he likewise is having to refocus his priorities and as such has had to consider his responsibilities, and has come to the conclusion he will no longer have the time to commit to being Chief of SFC, but will also be remaining with the military. Having served with him for a long time now and after consultation with Marshal Russ, we have seen fit to award Marshal Nightsky the Mantooine Medallion. Which leaves us needing another Chief of SFC. I'm happy to announce that Evan Cornforth has been promoted to High Marshal. Evan has been instrumental in picking up Director Achilles' slack for a while now and effectively being GC. He's shown great promise as a member of the upper echelons of Starfighter Command. I'm personally looking forward to seeing what Marshal Cornforth can do with the extra responsibility. No pressure then. Congratulations to Marshal Cornforth and thanks for everything Lance.

In other news, our GA allies and our own military forces have been fighting hard at Derra. Generals Chran and Fo have been able to provide the following reports from both:

Dear Chief of State Blackgate,

I am honored to report that Republic and Alliance operations on Derra IV have resulted in a series of solid victories over the Imperial Army. The fighting has been intense, and lives have been lost. Our military has lost CENSORED troopers in the fighting. However, for each casualty sustained we have paid it back manyfold. Recent calculations indicate that Republic troopers have inflicted at least CENSORED casualties to Imperial Forces, a further CENSORED more to Tresarian Forces, and eliminated dozens of bandits and other criminals.

It brings me great pride to disclose how our officers have fought courageously and with great skill to achieve our victories, and I am privileged immeasurably to lead them in battle.


Chi Fo, Lieutenant General
New Republic Army

Deputy Chief of Army Command

A few months ago a strange disease has begun spreading from the Derra System. Citizens all over the system have taken up arms and begun fighting one another. As the messages started rolling out about the fighting in the Derra System, the New Republic geared up and joined in a Galactic Alliance effort to bring balance back to the Derra System. Lieutenant General Fo and Brigadier General DuMonte both have been commanding forces for the New Republic into countless victories. Various Galactic Alliance enemies such as the Galactic Empire and Black Sun among others currently have been held back and defeated in countless encounters with minimal casualty or injury to our forces. The Stormtroopers, droids and troops appear to be no match for our forces and tactics.
In a statement from High General Chran, “I’m proud of how our Officers have handled the encounters on the battlefield as well as the cooperation with the other forces within the Galactic Alliance. We have a few things that we might need to review both here in the New Republic and within the Galactic Alliance, but overall so far they are doing a great job.”

I'm reliably informed the civil sector is progressing smoothly as per usual, making sure we're well equipped for the war at hand and I've learnt that the less complaints, reports and demands I get from the civil sector I get, the better things are going. Keep at it!

On the diplomatic front, we're continually opening ties with new organisations and there's some activity at the top of the Galactic Alliance concerning both the Infinite Empires recent loss of holdings and some subsequent actions that depending on their outcome, could either affect everyone or no one!

On the intelligence front, well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

That concludes our broadcast day. Long live the Republic!