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(This address was held on Day 174 in Year 14 by Wedge Achilles )

Wedge Achilles
Wedge Achilles

Greetings New Republic!

With Azzi having returned, we thought it about time we did a SoTR to give him a fresh slate after those dreaded exams. As per the last time I did a SoTR post, there is nothing fancy about it, I just want to ensure you guys are kept up to date since we've gone 2 months or so without one. So without further ado...

Orion has prepared something on the Derra operation...

The Joint Galactic Alliance Operation Peacekeeper in Derra has come to a close with the final troops returning home. The Galactic Alliance Force was composed of both Military and Civilians who proved to be a superior force in the various arenas of combat as well as protecting the citizens of Derra. The New Republic Forces suppressed over 1000 enemy troops. The New Republic also lost 236 brave Troopers. Plans are in the works to honor our fallen Troopers.

On behalf the Galactic Alliance, the following individuals are awarded the Galactic Alliance Operation Peacekeeper Award.

Award Operation Peacekeeper ribbon.png

High Admiral Lukastar Narvaka
General Chi Fo
Marshal Aves Sunfell
Brigadier General Kara DuMonte
Captain Jansen Blakenshire
Colonel Leebri Chelski
Colonel Abyhsen Squeegor
Lieutenant Colonel Rrah Lowurra
Lieutenant Colonel Kirth Ravnic
Major Gryffyn Grayurra
Captain Jackson Griggs
Captain Caine Lonarcch
Captain Trace Starhawk
Knight Captain Gothar Elensar

On behalf of the New Republic the individuals above are also awarded the Joint Operation Ribbon and the Combat Action Ribbon.

The following are awarded the Republic Readiness Award

Republic Readiness Award

High Admiral Lukastar Narvaka
Captain Jansen Blakenshire
Lieutenant Colonel Kirth Ravnic
Captain Caine Lonarcch
Knight Captain Gothar Elensar

The following are awarded the Group Commander's Citation

Group Commander's Citation

Marshal Aves Sunfell
Colonel Abyhsen Squeegor
Major Gryffyn Grayurra
Captain Jackson Griggs

The following are awarded the Republic Service Medal

Republic Service Medal

General Chi Fo
Brigadier General Kara DuMonte
Colonel Leebri Chelski
Lieutenant Colonel Rrah Lowurra
Captain Trace Starhawk

We are still awaiting the admins to change our old tax planets to facility income planets, unfortunately the admin responsible is still recovering from an operation. For now we will just have to wait, all factions are in the same boat there.

There are to be changes to the structure of our military that were announced in part a few weeks back to the military themselves. Hopefully those changes should begin this week as we roll out the new structure.

GA news - the Freedom Warriors have been accepted into the Leadership Council and there may be news soon on a few new member factions.

Fleur`De Rouge, kidnapper of the late Chief of State Cheda Quche has been handed over to the NR and is in NR custody.

Please note that the planet Hysalria III will likely be lost by the NR in the near future. It is difficult to say when but we have been embroiled in a build war there, started by Vee Null, for a year or so and do not have the majority of slabs. Unfortunately this means we were always going to lose the planet eventually but to have kept it for a year is admirable and I salute the officers responsible for its defence this past year. However, as a pre-warning, do not be alarmed if we lose control.

Frollo will hopefully be back soon, but until then continue to direct all MoCE business to the MoS Endaro Kassan. I am doing my best to help out with any build requests etc as well, so any requests for acceptance can be sent my way as well or to Azzi now he's back (he won't thank me saying that!). But remember that approval for designs etc must go through Endaro or Frollo, not me.

NRI faction checks are almost complete, well done to all of you so far, you have all done really well. Any slip ups will be contacted to you privately. Please also ensure that you are sending all city slabs, power generators, flats and defensive facilities to the NR proper! That is where a lot of you have slipped up!

All personal building will have to be done in the NR from now on. There are a number of facilities that have slipped through the net and so personal construction will be done by hopping to the NR from now on. You will then be billed for construction costs and sent the facilities you are entitled to own. This does not affect PSAs or NATs, you may still build for yourselves as normal and then make whatever you need to over to the NR.

Congratulations to Jim Frost who has taken up the reins of JMC! Twiggy is currently on reduced activity and therefore it was decided that Jim should take control of JMC whilst Twiggy bums about IRL, he'll do an excellent job I'm sure!

As already announced previously, Damon Phet is the new Headmaster of the Academy and Alexandre Daigle is the new High Marshal of Starfighter Command :)

And finally, as announced only a few days ago, Kara Webb has taken over as Director of NRI whilst I have taken over as Chief of Military Operations after the retirement of Dan Russ. Damon Phet has thus assumed the Deputy Director of NRI position.

Now onto exciting news... :P

Firstly, the following DCs are available for free to all NR citizens:

Brayl-class bulk freighter - Incom Corporation

Corona-class frigate - New Republic

Hover Transport TC9 - Ubrikkian Industries

T-Series Tactical Droid - Industrial Automaton

HSB-200 hold-out blaster pistol - Merr-Sonn Technologies

Those are all the DCs that we were recently given by the admins. We appreciate everything you do for your faction and want to make that known to you all! NAT leaders, please take note. DC requests for the Corona should go through the MoS/MoTI/MoCE :) … please do not ask for them to be assigned to non-citizens, that's not why we're doing this

We announced a whole load of new awards last summer but they've only just gone onto the wiki. So if it wasn't clear before, please know that you are eligible for these awards and boss-types amongst you, please recommend people for them! Take a look through and examine the awards that may be appropriate to your dept, make sure you know which one's you can award your people!

I have increased the Academy graduation bonus from 350k to up to half the current O-1 salary - so that is up to 750k at the discretion of the Academy Headmaster. Damon, go crazy :wink:

We are looking at ways to improve the trade bursary and make it more appealing. If you feel you have a better idea of what amounts each tier should offer then please PM me!

We are also looking at setting up a loan system for NR citizens, details to follow on that soon.

And onto awards!

I have realised that I have never actually award either Lukastar Narvaka or Edvin Simson for their service to NRI. This seems a bit stupid, given the amount that they've done for the NR, even if much of it was not public. So, with my most humble apologies for how long it has taken into my tenure, I am awarding both of them with the NRI Director's Citation and the Rimma Star of Service. Congratulations to you both and my most sincere gratitude for all the help you have given me (and still give!) since I became Deputy Director of NRI 2 years ago.

Ace Rose is posthumously awarded the Republic Heart.

Republic Heart

For their bravery at Tolonda I award Endaro Kassan and David Archer with the Perlemian Star of Freedom

Perlemian Star of Freedom

I award the following list of individuals with the Republic Service Medal:

Republic Service Medal

Popara Anjiliac Diresto
Joonan Angmarr
Zeth Quo
Cody Starslinger
Owyn Darklighter
Neb Dulo
Izec McCrimmon
Omma Bohack
Narod Haler
Davin Markyle
Torryn Bord
Gwynzer Davies
Doron Tristis

For all those who part in the GA Operation at Tolonda, you are entitled to wear this GA ribbon:

Award Operation Kitchen Sink ribbon.png

Thanks for reading, long live the Republic!