State of the Republic - Year 10 Day 66

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(This address was held on Day 66 in Year 10 by Zeff Traner )

Zeff Traner
Zeff Traner

Zeff stands on the stage waving to the reporters taking pictures. When the flashes stop, he begins walking to the podium. Dressed in a sharp black suit with his flowing blond hair blowing slightly in the wind, he beings his speech.

"Citizens of the New Republic, I hope you are ready for some news. This has been an eventful month for the New Republic, and I'm excited to share with you all of our news!"

"First, I want to aknowledge a new phase in the war with the Galactic Empire. With the health of the tyrant Vodo Bonias in fading quickly, and the violent egotist Arturus Goth ascending as Regent of the Throne, the Empire has been proven vulnerable. While we have much yet to do, we celebrate the downfall of one of the greatest evils the Galaxy has ever known, and can only hope that the Force finally claims Bonias for all time. On a more cheerful note, I would like to personally congratulate High Admiral Frollo the White for the capture of Imperial High Command member, Moff Mitth`oro`nuruodo on Csilla. I hope that you all read the recent article on the Galactic News Service detailing the events of the capture, and have all bought Frollo a drink for his effort. This is one of the most important captures in the history of the New Republic, so we should all be thrilled to strike a blow like this to the Empire."

"Speaking of high profile captures, our friends at the Krath Dynasty have managed to catch our old friend Mott Skyblade. His extradition is being handled by High Ambassador Owen Von Ismay, and he is expected to pick up the prisoner shortly. We can cross another one off of our wanted list, as Mott is wanted for Treason."

"We are in the final stages of securing Csilla after a brilliant operation by one of our battlegroups. The long and dangerous operation was a resounding success, and we have received many messages of thanks from the Chiss population their for independence from the foul Black Nebula Pirates. Thank you to all the brave sentients who risked their lives fighting for the New Republic."

"Throughout our long struggle against the evil Empire, we have found camaraderie and brotherhood in our allies of the Falleen Federation. Today we open yet another chapter in that long friendship. Our armies have arranged for a program to be instituted where officers are exchanged to train in the tactics of the others ground forces. We believe that this will prove an integral part of cooperation during operations, and will help expand the knowledge of our own armed forces at the same time."

Zeff coughs and straightens his tie before continuing on.

"Now on to more internal matters, I am happy to announce that Nat Dues has foolishly accepted the position of Grand Historian within the Ministry of Culture. He has signed up to gather the history of the New Republic, and somehow make it into a cohesive and fun body of literature. We wish him the best of luck, and if anyone has information that would help him, I'm sure he's all ears. Staying within the Ministry of Culture, Governor applications have come and gone. Now that applications are no longer being accepted, we can begin the approval process, and will be working closely with the senate to get this done with all haste. There has been a pleasantly large number of applications, and we are excited to see how they can help develop the worlds of the NR."

"I am pleased to announce the continued refitting of our Naval Command, and am confident that we will have our pilots in the most up-to-date equipment shortly. I am also thrilled to announce the return of former Minister of State Phymp Mindano to active naval service. He is an excellent officer, and will be a great boon to our Navy."

"The New Republic Middleman program has been a great success ever since it was launched. We have more middlemen everyday, and the galactic trading community is a safer place with the large amount of middlemen available for use through this program. However, when you come up with a program this good, everyone will want a piece of it :). I would like to announce the expansion of the New Republic middle program to fully include the Galactic Alliance. We are still working on the practical aspect of these changes, and expect further announcements to come shortly. Thank you to Aeternal for his continued effort in making this program such a stunning success."

"I also have some awards to give out. Hodwniwa Stone has shown excellent ability at Incom Corporation and Gavin Kaos insisted that he be awarded with an executive's citation for his excellent work. Congrats Hod!"
Executive's Citation
"With our academy working like a well oiled machine, it is my honor to award the entire Academy staff with the Instructor's Dedication Award! Congratulations you crazy bunch, and remember, our children/noobs are the future"
Instructor Dedication Award

"Long live the New Republic!!", Zeff says with a smile and applauds the new medal winners. Stepping back beside Minister of State Kapryn he whispers something to him, and they head inside to continue working on things for next months State of the Republic.