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Entity Information
Name: NRS Triumph II
Identifier: 75337
Date of Manufacture: n.a.
Date of Acquisition: Y13D194
Acquisition Method: Donation
Acquisition Source: New Republic Navy
Location: Docking Bay 1
Collection: Capital Ships


The Triumph II has been named after the RANS CEN Triumph (back then the ships had the prefix "RANS CEN" "Rebel Alliance Naval Ship Centurion"), which got destroyed in an assault attack by the Galactic Empire in deep space.

Centurion Battle Group had just arrived at a new Rendez-vous Point when an Imperial fleet entered the system and began to attack. To save the BG, the crew of the Triumph boarded another BG ship and the Triumph was sacrificed to succesfully divert the enemy forces. No lives where lost in that battle.

The lost ship was then replaced by the MC-60 "RANS CEN Triumph II". It was the Triumph's captain to name her so, in order to honor his lost ship.

OOC note: This in a Red Scenario the Admins and GE forced us into, so fighting was done by roleplay. The pilot of the Triumph (Alex "Forgothisname") wasn't responding, so Thies Windu (I think he was the BG CO back then) was allowed to roleplay the situation remotely. Everyone else had already jumped, only Alex was still in the system. Thies could save the crew, but the ship was lost. I'm not entirely sure that the Triumph was an MC-60. We upgraded the Fleet heavily while I served in it and replaced Dreadnaughts with MCs, but I think that happend some time before this battle. So there is a slight chance the Triumph was a Dreadnaught, but it was most likely an MC-60, too.