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| date = 16 October 2012
| date = 16 October 2012

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1. Whosoever intentionally discloses classified information that harms the New Republic or its citizens to someone not authorized to have access to that information shall be guilty of no less than a Class III offense of Revealing Classified Information. Information harmful to the New Republic or its citizens will be decided by the New Republic Intelligence Service (NRI).

2. Whosoever accidentally discloses classified information that harms the New Republic or its citizens to someone not authorized to have access to that information shall be guilty of no less than a Class IV offense of Revealing Classified Information. Information harmful to the New Republic or its citizens will be decided by NRI.

3.1. The military executive, civil executive, NRI, and Senate will each be responsible for creating and editing the system and rules for classified information from their respective areas.
3.2. Should an independent judiciary exist, it will be responsible for creating and editing its own internal system and rules for classified information.

4.1. All of the rules and systems regarding classified information must be displayed publicly.
4.2. Initial passage of the systems and rules will require a majority vote of the applicable leadership: the military executive, judges of the highest court, Chief of State, and civil executive (including the High Ambassador), or the Senate. The Director of NRI (DNRI) may create NRI's rules unilaterally.
4.3. Any change to these rules once they are set out must be done in accordance with those rules, and must be announced publicly.

5. The DNRI may not be denied access to any information and may declassify or classify any information they see fit.

6. In the event that classified information is necessary for judicial proceedings, the DNRI must declassify that information, but may restrict the release to those involved.

Important: The data on this page is possibly outdated (last modified: 16 October 2012)