
All those wishing to access the RACC must complete the registration form at the link above.
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Orion Chran
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander
Posts: 10427
Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:00 am


Post by Orion Chran »

If your account has not been activated in 48 hours, please contact Darcks Galvan or Orion Chran in Darkness.

Please also complete the following form:

You must NOT register using a Proxy Server. Any attempts to register with a Proxy will not be activated.

Rebel Alliance Communications Platforms OOC Rules

The Star Wars Combine game is rated PG-13. The Rebel Alliance community follows the same PG-13 rating.

Star Wars Combine Communication Rules:

1. Language and Content - Language and content considered above PG-13 can be edited/removed by a board administrator or moderator.

2. Harassment is not tolerated within our community, on any communications
platform. Harassment includes behavior like verbal insults, repeated aggressive
behavior, intimidation or bullying/shaming and threatening, sexual or otherwise.
‘This includes your interactions with other communities within SWC, on their
communications platforms, or on the Darkness forums.

3. IC excuses will not be accepted as reasonings for poor behavior, harassment, or
antagonizing speech. If you would like to RP a character that possesses these
qualities and intends to interact with other characters in such a way, the
responsibility shall be yours for contacting other players in private, and requesting
permission to interact with them in such a way. If they do not accept, then that is
the end of it and you may not proceed in Rping that way with that character or any
others whom have not given their permission.

4. Harassment or poor behavior claims will be dealt with on a case by case basis by
both the forum administrators and the leader of the faction. If you would like to
submit a claim, provide all the relevant screenshots, including private messages if
any (No personal OOC information) to one of these people and a review will be
conducted and then a decision made. Punishments will be at the discretion of the
administrators and leader, and may include a reprimand, time based suspension, or
a full ban.

5. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members.

6. No Spamming of the Rebel Alliance Forums or other communications platforms.

7. OOC punishments will not be construed as IC law violations.

8. Notification of OOC Harassment or other violations in association with SWC may be reported to the Star Wars Combine Assistant Sim (ASim). (Penalties delivered by an ASim can determine RACC forum access)
